Sunday, September 21, 2014

Happy first day back!!

Dear parents and students,

Just a short note to wish you all a happy return to schooling. To my parents hugs to you all for being so supportive and caring. To my students: have no fear, you are all totally ready for this next grade!! More than ready!! You taught me a lot!! Hugs to you!! Work hard and always do your best, don't get "lazybones"!! 

This will be my last posting as I hand over the reins to your child's new teacher. I will be in the school volunteering from time to time so this isn't a total goodbye.

Good news for me is that I've been hired by UBC as a part-time Faculty Advisor. I will be mentoring student teachers when they do their practicums in North Vancouver schools. I'm looking forward to this new phase in my life. 

I get to spend a lot more time with my hubby and grandson as well, so life is good.

Best wishes, as always,

Mrs. Gerri Karr