Friday, February 28, 2014

Spelling words for week of March 3-7

Dear parents, 

Our Spelling words for the week of March 3-7 are words that contain "ear". They are: wear, bear, pear, tear, earn, learn, earth, heard, early, near, hear, year, fear, dear, and clear. Our bonus words are scuttling and pungent. 

Our theme reading for next week is about "Rainbows". Our words are spectacular, observe, moisture, visible, rainstorm, reflects, display, vivid, raindrop, and arch. Please go over the meaning of these words with your child. 

Next Tuesday, we will be treated to a music sharing time from 2-3 in the gym. Our school band will be performing and a few classes will be sharing songs they have learned during their music classes. 

On Thursday, Brandy Wiebe will be in to discuss sexual health with all our students. 

On Friday, we have a fun lunch-Wok Box. Report cards go home on Friday as well. I have contacted the parents that I would like to meet with for parent/teacher interviews. I don't need to meet with everyone this time around. 

Have a super weekend!

Best wishes,

Mrs. Gerri Karr

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Fun day

Dear parents, 

We had quite a few students who walked to school today. We had police, fire, and politicians out to greet us this morning. Thanks need to go to our parents for the hot chocolate.  We will be doing this every Wednesday morning. Join us if you are able. 

We had a fun games hour yesterday. Way to go Div. 7! Nice to see everybody getting along. 

Today, we had our second pioneer lesson, presented by Mrs. Ballard, from North Vancouver Museum and Archives. We examined artifacts from the Nye family. 

We had Pink Day (anti-bullying day). In addition to a school assembly we watched two videos that suggested coping strategies for dealing with bullies. The children then worked In small cooperative groups to prepare a graffiti wall about this subject.

Remember, Friday is hot lunch. It is Pizza Day. 

Best wishes,

Mrs. Gerri Karr

Monday, February 24, 2014

Field Trip postponed

Dear parents,

I've postponed our Burnaby Village field trip until April 1st. The weather has been too unpredictable. Sorry about this. I know the children were looking forward to this fun day. :(

Best wishes,

Mrs. Gerri Karr

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Way to go Canada!!

Dear parents and students,

Way to go Canada!! Amazing Olympics!! 

Best wishes,

Mrs. Gerri Karr

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Early dismissal reminder

Dear parents,

Just a reminder that next Wednesday, February 26th is an early dismissal day at 2:00 PM. Please make alternate plans to pick up your child at this earlier time. 

It's hard to believe that February is almost over. Wow, this month went by quickly! 

Report cards will be coming home in two weeks. Please remind your children to get up to date with all assignments, so they can receive good marks.

Best wishes,

Mrs. Gerri Karr

Friday, February 21, 2014

Spelling words for Feb. 24-28

Dear parents,

Our spelling words for next week are words that compare using "er" and "est". They are: darker, darkest, happier, happiest, smaller, smallest, heavier, heaviest, larger, largest, braver, bravest, bigger, biggest, hotter, and hottest. The bonus words are commutative and fulfillment. 

Our Theme reading for next week is about the invention of the light bulb by Thomas Edison. Our words are wizard, indefinitely, carbon, inventor, current, horseshoe, cheaply, intense, furnish, and platinum. Please go over the meaning of these words with your child. 

We had a wonderful day today cheering on our Canadian athletes, especially the men's hockey team. The gym was filled with students as we counted down the last 10 seconds!! All of our athletes have done an amazing job!! Bravo Canada!!

We have our field trip to the Burnaby Village museum next Tuesday, February 25th. Your child should be dressed for the weather and bring a lunch. I still need permission forms and $10 for Nodin, Gavin, Tania, Isabella, Tayvn, Brendan and Cale. So far I have the parents of these children driving: Linnea, Cyrus, Ella, Lily, Nayu, and Samantha. If any other parents are available to drive, even to just drop off and pick up, that would be super. I shall finalize arrangements on Monday with my drivers. Thank you so much for volunteering to do this. All drivers must request the RCMP to fax their driving records to the school and there is also Queensbury paperwork to be filled out (ask our office staff if we have one on file for you). Please contact the local RCMP detachment this weekend to comply with North Van School Board rules and regulations.

Have a great weekend! Go Canada Go!!

Best wishes,

Mrs. Gerri Karr

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Our first North Van Museum and Archive session

Dear parents,

We had an informative visit from a staff member from the North Van Museum and Archives this afternoon. We learned how to look for clues in old photographs to assist with dating. We learned about the Nye family; a pioneer family who lived in Lynn Valley at the turn of the century. I look forward to two more sessions. 

Just a reminder to return the consent form and $10 for our
Burnaby Village Heritage Museum field trip next Tuesday, February 25th. We still need a few more volunteer parent drivers. Please remember to request your RCMP driver's profile and have it faxed to our school office at 604-903-3731.

In closing, I'd like to let you all know about a great community concert to be presented by the Ambleside Orchestra at St. David's United Church (at the intersection of Hwy. 1 and Taylor Way), on Friday, February 21 at 7:30 PM. Admission is by donation. I know that I've talked with some of you about the importance of music in your children's lives. This would be a wonderful enrichment activity for your whole family. Hope to see you there. 

Best wishes,

Mrs. Gerri Karr

Friday, February 14, 2014

Spelling list for Feb. 17-21

Dear parents,

Our words for next week are words that end in y. They are: windy, sandy, salty, lucky, sleepy, icy, smoky, shady, shiny, grimy, sunny, foggy, funny, muddy and baggy. Bonus words are speciality and oesophageal.

We didn't get to our Spelling test today as we were having too much fun with Valentine's Day activities. We will do it Monday morning. 

Our Theme Reading for next week is about the Arctic. Our words are: brightness, twilight, horizon, location, nightfall, sunset, daily, moonlit, sunrise, and arctic. Please go over the meaning of these words with your child.

We had a few more"Artifact Projects" this week. Both were incredible. There are a few children who
need to do theirs yet. Please help your child get this prepared, as this oral presentation is worth a good part of their Social Studies mark for this term. 

Thanks for the yummy food for today's celebration. The children had a great day with computers, movie and treats! 

A field trip notice for Burnaby Village will be coming home with your child on Monday. 

Best wishes,

Mrs. Gerri Karr

Friday, February 7, 2014

Spelling words for Feb. 11-14

Dear parents,

Our spelling words for next week deal with nouns (names of people, places, things, or ideas) formed with "er". They are: worker, leader, painter, pitcher, copier, flier, carrier, dancer, baker, skater, wiper, winner, shopper, swimmer, and zipper.  Bonus words are awesome and repurposed. 

Our theme reading for next week is about First Nation's celebrations involving music and dance.  Our words are chants, elders, festival, ceremony, celebrate, harvest, tribe, death, ancestors, and grandparents. Please go over the meaning of these words with your children. 

Last Thursday, the children each took home a list of names for Valentine's Day cards. We will be decorating paper bags to house these expressions of "love and friendship" during the week. We will celebrate red, white, and pink day by wearing these colours on Friday. I'm also reminded that it is PJ Day on this day. If your child doesn't happen to own red, white, or pink PJ's, no worries. 

I hope to keep the emphasis on friendship and not love on Valentine's Day. From past experience, children at Grade 3 just aren't ready to hear about that yet, and discussions about girlfriends and boyfriends can sidetrack young minds from their schoolwork pretty easily. Please have a discussion about this with your child. 

Just a reminder to please return the North Van Museum consent form along with $4 and the forms and cheque for Outdoor School as soon as possible. 

Look for another field trip notice sometime next week. I've booked a great field trip to Burnaby Village Heritage Museum on Tuesday, February 25th. I will be needing at least 7 parent volunteers for this one, as I need drivers and supervisors. We are booked into 2 sessions: the 3 R's (a step back in time to a pioneer classroom) from 10:00-11:30 and Home Sweet Home (a look into a variety of pioneer homes) from (12:30-2:00). Most of the time will be spent with direct instruction by museum staff. Please let me know ASAP if you able to volunteer for this day. We will be leaving the school at 9:15 and returning by 3:00. Volunteer driver paperwork with RCMP driver check needs to be completed and filed in the school office by all parents who are helping out. 

The children will be allowed to do looming from 11:00-12:00 on Tuesday during their games time. They asked me to remind them to pack up their loom kits! 

Have a great long weekend!  

Best wishes,

Mrs. Gerri Karr

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Three more great oral presentations

Dear parents,

We were treated to three more great "Artifact Projects" on Wednesday. I am really impressed with the bravery of the presenters and the listening patience of their audience.

Best wishes,

Mrs. Gerri Karr

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Square Dancing

Dear parents,

We had fun square dancing today. Although there was some initial fears that it would be boy/girl dancing, we all actually survived! No ewwww's with this experience. We do it all again tomorrow! 😍 Remember, all these dance moves will be put to good use during the Family Barn Dance tomorrow night. The fun starts at 5:45!! Please come if you can. 

Best wishes,

Mrs. Gerri Karr

Monday, February 3, 2014

Two more great oral presentations

Dear parents,

We had two more well-prepared "Artifact Projects" today. Thanks to Maya and Keita for interesting discussions. 
Please provide your child with a blank book for sketching. I would like them to draw quietly or read once they've finished their work rather than socialize. 

Best wishes,

Mrs. Gerri Karr

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Spelling bonus words

Dear parents,

I forgot the bonus words for spelling in my last post. The bonus words for this week will be nonsense and catastrophe. 

Also, just letting you know that I am limiting the use of looms as of this week. The children were becoming obsessed with them, and I felt that they were getting in the way of the students' academic progress. I will only allow them to be used for one hour a week, during our Tuesday game time. The children are aware of this, and we've discussed my reasons for this decision in our class meetings. 

Thanks for your support with this. 

Best wishes,

Mrs. Gerri Karr