I'm not sure if that is even a phrase any longer, but it seemed appropriate.
The children began their second novel study called "How to Eat Fried Worms" today. We hope it doesn't give them any ideas. It's a super novel which I'm sure the children will enjoy. Miss Gardiner has prepared a lot of fun activities for this study.
We visited Miss Hoodspith's class to view their pioneer village and to hear the students describe their building. Our students were very appreciative listeners.
Mrs. Evans will begin her third term unit in a Fine Arts with our students. Every Thursday until Gymnastics starts in May, she will be doing Dance in the gym with our class from 10:40-11:20.
The class added to our worm farm today by collecting twigs and leaves from Kealy Woods Park, adjacent to our school grounds.
Fun Lunch order forms came home today along with an offer for a FREE movie night. Make sure to check your child's back pack. Our Parent Council makes a lot of money from the Fun Lunch program, so I'm hopeful you support this. I do, and the food is delicious!!
Best wishes,
Mrs. Gerri Karr