Next week is a review week in Spelling, so we don't have any new words. There will not be a Spelling test on Thursday either.
Our Theme Reading for next week is about volcanoes. Our words are molten, refuge, active, overflows, furnace, lava, slopes, warnings, erupts, and flee. Please go over the meaning of these words with your child.
We had a great game of bum ball three corner soccer in gym this morning. We learned how beet juice and blueberry juice can be used to dye things (eggs). We planted alfalpha seeds in our eggs. Hopefully over the weekend, "hair" will begin to grow.
Next week, we have the Walking School Bus on Wednesday morning. Participation is, of course, optional but fun. Congrats to Cyrus for winning last week's draw. Wednesday is also Treat Day for Fun Lunch.
On Thursday, we have Sport Spirit Day and our Talent Show. Wear your Canuck jerseys or BC Lions jerseys or Whitecaps jerseys with pride. Talent show begins at 1:30 and parents are welcome to attend.
School will be closed on Friday, April 18 and Monday, April 22nd for Easter holidays.
Best wishes,
Mrs. Gerri Karr