Our spelling words for next week are a review of the previous 7 weeks. While we will be reviewing all the words, I will not be giving an official spelling test next Friday.
Our Theme Reading for this week concludes our overall theme of "Circus". Our story will be about a circus acrobat named Lillian Leitzel. Perhaps Google this name with your child and look for any information and/or pictures about her. Our words for the week are: confidence, challenge, balancing, performer, muscles, difficult, exhausting, condition and athlete. Please go over the meaning of these words with your child.
This Wednesday, we have early dismissal at 2:00 PM for staff cooperative planning. Please make arrangements to pick up your child early.
Remember it is black and orange day on Thursday. Happy Hallowe'en!!
On Friday, it is Hot Lunch (Wok Box). Yummy!
We welcome Ms. Gardener (our student teacher) to Queensbury! I met with her on Friday, and I know the children will enjoy having her here.
Have a great weekend,
Mrs. Gerri Karr