Our spelling words for next week are all plurals of words that end in a consonant and a y. You drop the y and add ies to make the word plural. For example the word fly becomes flies when you are meaning more than one fly. Our words are flies, cities, copies, babies, ladies, ponies, daisies, parties, candies, cherries, bunnies, puppies, pennies, berries and butterflies. Our bonus words are specialist and artistic.
Our theme reading for next week is about the Ringling Brothers Circus. Our words are gasped, partner, glossy, outgrow, canvas, makers, acrobat, business, advise, and hired. Please go over the meaning of these words with your children.
Monday is a holiday, so there is no school. I'd like to wish you and your children a very happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy your family and your feasting!
Best wishes,
Mrs. Gerri Karr