Our Spelling words for next week are compound words. They are: airplane, airport, outside, inside, upstairs, bedroom, classroom, afternoon, weekend, sometimes, another, anything, maybe, breakfast and outfit. The bonus words are turbulence and vagabond.
The Theme Reading for next week is about the Iditarod dogsled race. Our words are goal, hardy, victory, overcome, opponents, weariness, determination, loneliness, rugged and endure. Please go over the meaning of these words with your child.
There is no school on Wednesday due to teachers' rotating strikes.
On Thursday, June 12th, all parents are invited to our appreciation tea. It will commence at 3:15. Official invites will come home on Monday with your children if they haven't already.
We had a great "Canada Day" party this afternoon. Thank you for the goodies!
We said our goodbyes to Miss Gardiner today. We are all going to miss her SO much! She has promised to visit us in the weeks to come.
Best wishes,