We discussed what happens at Outdoor School today. My motivation for this was to alleviate any last minute jitters. I giggled when a student confided in me that he would be fine, but his mom would be a "basket case"! I will NOT divulge the name of said student!! :)
With regards to our departure, please have your child at Queensbury on Wednesday morning at 8:40, with all their luggage clearly labeled with your child's name and our school name. Please give me any medications that your child should take, again clearly labeled, when you arrive.
Check this blog on a nightly basis as I promise to post information and photos while we are away. I will be there for the entire time as well as Miss Humphries, our guest teacher that visits our classroom on Fridays.
As always, I've enjoyed the parent/teacher interviews thus far. You guys are the best! Thank you so much for your support!
Best wishes,
Mrs. Gerri Karr