Thursday, March 27, 2014

First week back

Dear parents,

I hope you are all enjoying the two week Spring Break from school. Just a reminder that we return next Monday, March 31st.

We won't be doing regular Spelling or Theme Reading this first week back as we will be doing some wrap up work related to Outdoor School and going on our Burnaby Heritage Village field trip all day on Tuesday, April 1st. 

For Tuesday's field trip please make sure your child is dressed for the weather. They will need to eat a nutritious lunch as they will be walking a lot. Please do not pack candy and pop. Your children are energetic enough without this in their diet. We will be leaving the school at approximately 9:15. I'd like our volunteer drivers to be at the school by 9:00 so I can go over student expectations with them in attendance. Thank you to all parent volunteers for offering to drive. I know filling out all that paperwork is NOT fun. 

I'm looking forward to seeing your children again next Monday. 

Best wishes,

Mrs. Gerri Karr

Friday, March 14, 2014

That's a Wrap!

Dear parents,

We had such a great time! Thank your children for being so brave to be away from home and for being such motivated, creative learners. 

I just wanted to wish you all a fantastic Spring Break. See you on March 31st! Yahoo!  

Best wishes,

Mrs. Gerri Karr

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Last night at Outdoor school

Dear parents,

It's hard to believe that our time at Outdoor School is almost done! We have had a wonderful time! 

We will return home by around 3:00 PM on Friday, then start our two week Spring Break vacation. 

Enjoy the photos!

Best wishes,

Mrs. Gerri Karr

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Outdoor School

Dear parents,

We are all fine and having a lot of fun up here at Outdoor School. No tears, no problems! :)

Enjoy the photos!

Best wishes,

Mrs. Gerri Karr

Monday, March 10, 2014

Outdoor School

Dear parents,

We discussed what happens at Outdoor School today. My motivation for this was to alleviate any last minute jitters. I giggled when a student confided in me that he would be fine, but his mom would be a "basket case"! I will NOT divulge the name of said student!! :)

With regards to our departure, please have your child at Queensbury on Wednesday morning at 8:40, with all their luggage clearly labeled with your child's name and our school name. Please give me any medications that your child should take, again clearly labeled, when you arrive. 

Check this blog on a nightly basis as I promise to post information and photos while we are away. I will be there for the entire time as well as Miss Humphries, our guest teacher that visits our classroom on Fridays. 

As always, I've enjoyed the parent/teacher interviews thus far. You guys are the best! Thank you so much for your support!

Best wishes,

Mrs. Gerri Karr

Saturday, March 8, 2014

No spelling or theme reading!

Dear parents,

There are no Spelling or Theme Reading words this week as we will be heading up to Outdoor School on Wednesdsy morning.

I am really looking forward to spending this time with your children. 

Best wishes,

Mrs. Gerri Karr

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Spooky stories

Dear parents,

Claire and Nayu told three fabulous ghost stories that they had written when presenting their project poster. 

Who knew that these quiet young girls were closet ghost story writers!! 

I told two true stories (honest) that happened to me and probably scared the wits out of everyone. Sorry if they don't sleep tonight. 

Best wishes,

Mrs. Gerri Karr

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

North Vancouver Museum and Archives wraps up

Dear parents,

We had our last session of the North Van Museum and Archives "Family Treasures" program. Mrs. Ballard did a super job!

Best wishes,

Mrs. Gerri Karr

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Great music sharing today.

Dear parents, 

The children performed with Miss Hoodspith's class in our music sharing assembly today. Bravo!!

Our school bands also played. I hope your children will join our band once they get to Grade 5! I did, and I've never regretted my decision to play in a band. 

Best wishes,

Mrs. Gerri Karr

Monday, March 3, 2014

Music concert tomorrow

Dear parents,

I just got a message from our music teacher asking me to remind our students to wear dark pants/skirts on the bottom, and a solid white shirt on the top for their performance tomorrow afternoon in the gym. She has, evidently, talked to the students about this, but I hadn't heard about this before. Sorry for the late notice. 

We had a great game of skittles/Dr. Dodgeball (thanks for the suggestion, Ella)! Our teams were tied at the end! Thank goodness!

Best wishes,

Mrs. Gerri Karr