Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Inquiry-based learning.

Dear parents,

We did a session of inquiry-based learning in Social Studies today. The children worked in cooperative groups to pull facts from book resources on pioneer living. We will finish these and present them to the class next week. The children did a good job on these. 

Please remember we also begin our Artifact Project presentations next week. Please help your child prepare for his/her oral presentation. 

We had our last tennis lesson today. I am so impressed with the skills the children have acquired during these past two weeks. Thanks to Markus, our tennis teacher. He did a super job! 

We held elections today for 2nd term class representative student council elections. Thanks need to go to all people who offered their name for nomination. Congratulations go to Sean and Samantha for winning the elections. We also need to thank Lily and Miles for their dedication as first term representatives. 

Best wishes,

Mrs. Gerri Karr