Dear parents,
Our Spelling words for next week are ones that use apostrophes. They are: let's, aren't, didn't, don't, wasn't, I've, you've, that's, how's, what's, who's, he'll, we'll, and we're. Bonus words are interstellar and astronaut.
Our Theme Reading for next week is about dogsled racing. Our words are: attempted, permitted, gaining, gap, racers, shortcut, regained, risk, glimpse and shrieked. Please go over the meaning of these words with your children.
We had a terrific Fun Day today. The weather was just right; not too hot and not too cold! We were very proud of our students. They were very well behaved in all the stations. A huge thanks needs to go to our Grade 7 students, who not only plan everything, but they run the stations as well! Super examples of leadership by our oldest students at Queensbury.
Please remember to contribute a few items or cash donation to our basket for the PAC Spring Fair, which happens on Saturday May 24th. Our theme is "Gardening". The items are due by next Tuesday, May 20th.
Also, please remember to have your child bring in a 2 L milk or juice container. The children will be making bird houses in Art.
Notices have gone home about a Social Studies project that is upcoming. Students have all chosen an Canadian animal to research. They will need to type up their information and create a diorama in a shoebox or small box. These are due on Monday, May 26th.
Next Friday is Twin/Triplet day. The idea is to have the children dress alike and have fun!! Friday is also Fun Lunch-Sushi Day. In addition to the above, we also have a Science Alive workshop on Friday morning.
Please have your child return their permission slips for our Vancouver Airport trip. I think we are OK for parent volunteers for this trip. We will be contacting you if we need your assistance with more details about this super day.
Please remember that there is no school on Monday, May 19th as it is Victoria Day. We will see you all on Tuesday, May 20th! Have a safe and happy long weekend!
Best wishes,
Mrs. Gerri Karr and Miss Debbie Gardiner