Our spelling words for next week are words with an "ed" ending. Our words are: asked, talked, walked, shouted, planted, closed, lived, used, smiled, teased, saved, chased, hiked, tied, and waded. Our bonus words are facade and reinforcement.
Our theme reading for next week is all about clay animation. See if you can google this and find examples of this on You Tube. Our words are develop, motion, effect, arrange, commercial, television, figures, create, support, and mold. Please go over the meaning of these words with your child.
Next week, we have early dismissal on Wednesday, November 27th for staff collegial meeting time. Please make plans to pick your child up at 2:00 PM.
On Friday, November 29th, we have a Professional Day, so children will not attend school.
We had a fun time playing four corner soccer in gym today.
Have a great weekend!
Best wishes,