Dear parents,
We had a very emotional day today! Our Remembrance Day assembly was beautiful. When we returned to the class we discussed the meaning behind some of the presentations. We had a full range of emotions resulting from this discussion. These ranged from complete empathy and sadness from some students who were crying because some young soldiers were not able to return to their families, to some students poking others with their poppies, upset because lunch hadn't started and they were hungry! Miss Gardiner and I realized that being an empathetic teacher means understanding a full range of these emotions! You may be asked about a variety of questions regarding wars and questions about how people can be so cruel to one another. We can only hope that the world we be in better hands once we pass on this responsibility to our children.
Back to regular news....our spelling words for next week (Nov. 12-15) are: pass, dress, guess, toss, across, press, unless, all, pull, full, roll, spell, shell, still, and shell. These are all words with double consonants. Consonants are letters of the alphabet other than a, e, i, o, u and sometimes y. Bonus words are remembrance and empathy.
Our theme reading for next week is based on another tall tale titled "How Spider Got a Thin Waist". Our words are; brilliant, simply, sparkled, feast, unusually, waist, custom, yams, squeezed, and refuse. Please go over the meaning of these words with your children.
We are nearing the end of our second chapter in Math. We will be doing a review chapter quiz on Tuesday, followed by our chapter test next Thursday.
We hope you will be able to attend local Remembrance Day ceremonies with your children on Monday. We are so very lucky to live in this country called Canada!
PS: we had a lovely treat of a fresh fruit salad at lunch,
brought in by Nodin and his family. Thanks so much!
Best wishes,
Mrs. Gerri Karr and Miss Debbie Gardiner