Dear parents,
Our spelling words for next week deal with nouns (names of people, places, things, or ideas) formed with "er". They are: worker, leader, painter, pitcher, copier, flier, carrier, dancer, baker, skater, wiper, winner, shopper, swimmer, and zipper. Bonus words are awesome and repurposed.
Our theme reading for next week is about First Nation's celebrations involving music and dance. Our words are chants, elders, festival, ceremony, celebrate, harvest, tribe, death, ancestors, and grandparents. Please go over the meaning of these words with your children.
Last Thursday, the children each took home a list of names for Valentine's Day cards. We will be decorating paper bags to house these expressions of "love and friendship" during the week. We will celebrate red, white, and pink day by wearing these colours on Friday. I'm also reminded that it is PJ Day on this day. If your child doesn't happen to own red, white, or pink PJ's, no worries.
I hope to keep the emphasis on friendship and not love on Valentine's Day. From past experience, children at Grade 3 just aren't ready to hear about that yet, and discussions about girlfriends and boyfriends can sidetrack young minds from their schoolwork pretty easily. Please have a discussion about this with your child.
Just a reminder to please return the North Van Museum consent form along with $4 and the forms and cheque for Outdoor School as soon as possible.
Look for another field trip notice sometime next week. I've booked a great field trip to Burnaby Village Heritage Museum on Tuesday, February 25th. I will be needing at least 7 parent volunteers for this one, as I need drivers and supervisors. We are booked into 2 sessions: the 3 R's (a step back in time to a pioneer classroom) from 10:00-11:30 and Home Sweet Home (a look into a variety of pioneer homes) from (12:30-2:00). Most of the time will be spent with direct instruction by museum staff. Please let me know ASAP if you able to volunteer for this day. We will be leaving the school at 9:15 and returning by 3:00. Volunteer driver paperwork with RCMP driver check needs to be completed and filed in the school office by all parents who are helping out.
The children will be allowed to do looming from 11:00-12:00 on Tuesday during their games time. They asked me to remind them to pack up their loom kits!
Have a great long weekend!
Best wishes,
Mrs. Gerri Karr